Fish With Us

At Seven Mile Fly Shop, we understand how important your fishing trip is. After all, we love fly fishing as much as you do, and putting you on the water with someone who isn't the absolute best we can offer would go against the character of our shop. Our guides are professional, safe, and understanding people who want to see you succeed on the front end of their boat.
To ensure your best experience, we only send you fishing with guides who live in the Keys full time, all year-round. There is no substitute for being on the water, and these hand selected guides are all captains we have fished with.
RATES: Sometimes the price of booking a fly fishing guide is scary, intimidating, and frustrating. Fishing with a guide is not cheap for a reason, and often times in fly fishing, you get what you pay for.
Rates will vary between each guide.
WHY FISH WITH A GUIDE: Booking a fly fishing guide is more than a morning or an afternoon of fishing, it is an investment in your casting ability, fish spotting capability, and ultimately, a life-long friendship. The benefits of fishing with one of our guides might surprise you!
These guys are on the water every single day, and their office is your playground, so they know it better than anyone around. Each depression, every turn in the current, and they practically know these fish by name.
HOW TO BOOK: Booking one of Seven Mile Fly Shop's guides is a great decision, because through their commitment to being on the water daily, they can provide you with the best shot at your target species. You should call the shop to discuss dates, rates, and guide preferences.
If you have any questions about the process of booking a fly fishing guide, or even the process about what happens on a guided trip, do not hesitate to call us at 305-440-3406, email us (, or contact us through social media (@sevenmileflyshop). We are here to help, and help you get a shot at catching some incredible fish.
See you on the water!