Daves Psycho Mantis
The Psycho Mantis was my first attempt to match the profile of a big mantis shrimp we were finding around the coral of the Faraway Keys base camp. Those were a whole variety of colors from white to tan and even fluorescent green. They were almost like chameleons, blending into any background. I knew from watching the permit smash against the rocks that these what they were eating.
After a few prototypes and some R&D with the guides, I had something that was delivering serious results for the anglers who were brave enough to cast my bright green peacock mantis to a trophy permit. The fly produced and continues to trick some of the most skeptical permit we encounter. We're excited to share the fly with even more fisheries and lodges this season!
The Psycho Mantis uses a custom combination of bright blue eyes, highly animating claws, micro rubber legs, contrasting rubber legs, and a multi-colored rabbit belly that pulsates and taunts permit and trophy bonefish. Hot orange dumbbells and a weed guard balance the Psycho so that it swims naturally and lands softly.